Welcome to Bongo Buddies!

Bongo Buddies mascot, Bongo.

Hello! Bongo Buddies is a free, accessible wellness app for teenagers that provides certified mental health advice.
This app was created for a competition called Technovation Girls.

Check out our pitches!

About Us

We're the Bongos! Mental health has always been a topic that we feel is very important in our daily lives. So, we grouped together to create this app!

Leona Islam

Leona Islam
Hi! I did the majority of the art you see in our app! I also wrote one of the stories and some of the user adoption plan. I love art, reading, and hanging out with my friends.

Alicja Skulimowska

Alicja Skulimowska
Hello! I created the PowerPoint for the pitch and coded the Keynote prototype. I like making new friends, baking and being creative.

Leona Islam

Layla O' Driscoll
Hello! I came up with the name for our mascot, Bongo! I also thought of the idea of us all drawing how we saw Bongo and getting Leona to morph them together. I love to ride horses and go petrol go-karting. I also love to watch Formula 1.

Roisin Buckley

Roisin Buckley
Hi I'm Roisin. I created and run the Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook and wrote the story Charlie's big adventure.

Mentors and others who helped us

This page is for everyone that helped us get this far in our journey. We couldn't have done this without all of you!

  • Thank you to Ms Connolly for introducing us to Technovation and giving us the time and space to work on our app.

  • Thank you to Miriam for helping us code the app on Swift.

  • Thank you to Teen Turn for hosting the afterschool coding sessions. They were great fun.

  • Thank you to our school guidance counsellor Ms Ryan for giving us the mental health advice used in the Bongo Chatbot.

  • Thank you to Ms McCarthy for doing the voice over for the story Adalyn the Mathemegician.


29th April:
All Technovation teams in Ireland, went to the regional pitch event held in Microsoft, Dublin. It was loads of fun! The Bongos came second place in the Junior Category, winning laptops! This also meant we got into the semi-finals!

30th June:
All semi finalists were invited to join Tehcnovation's virtual global celebration. This is where Technovation stats and the finalists of each division were announced. The Bongos came as a finalist in the Junior category! Our prize were $500 and a trip to California for the World Summit!